Welcome to the Healers Blend Learning Lab! The information in these pages are designed for both the general consumer, as well as, health and medical practitioners seeking to expand their working knowledge of cannabis and the potential of cannabinoid based therapies. While we work to ensure the information in these pages and resources is accurate and up to date, we do not make any claims as to the veracity or totality of the information contained herein. Research into cannabis as medicine is ongoing and our understanding of its many potential benefits continues to grow everyday. Our hope is that you will find this information beneficial and inspiring in your own search to better understand the potential of this incredible plant to increase overall health, vitality, and well-being. CBD products are not approved by the FDA for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease. We are restricted from making any claims about the efficacy of our specific CBD products to treat or cure any disease or medical conditions. You should always seek the advice of a physician before adding nutritional supplements to your diet. The following information is presented for educational purposes only. Healers Blend provides this information to provide an understanding of the potential applications of cannabidiol. Links to third party websites do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations by Healers Blend and none should be inferred.

General Overview

Beyond cannabidiol’s (CBD) capability for the treatment of anxietydiabetescancer and chronic pain, it is also being explored for its cardiovascular protection. In study after study, the preliminary research shows the significant potential of CBD to stop the trauma caused by heart disease.

Every year, heart disease in all its forms is responsible for an estimated one in four deaths in the United States. One theory as to why it accounts for so many deaths is because many people ignore or don’t notice the early warning signs of the disease. Nearly half of all deaths caused by heart disease happen outside of the medical system.

This is where cannabidiol is coming into play as a new viable alternative therapy. It seems to target many of the leading causes of cardiovascular diseases. Through many channels, it offers a multi-prong supportive supplement to whole-heart health.

Research on CBD Oil for Heart Disease Heart Disease:

Research on CBD oil for Heart Disease is revealing some very interesting findings within the scientific commmunity. A study from the National Institutes of Health, published in 2010, examined the possibility of CBD for treatment of cardiovascular complications resulting from diabetes. In particular, they examined how CBD could potentially reduce the risk cardiomyopathy, which can develop even in well-managed diabetes.  The review concluded that “Remarkably, CBD attenuated myocardial dysfunction, cardiac fibrosis, oxidative/nitrative stress, inflammation, cell death, and interrelated signaling pathway.”

Another area explored through medical study is the usefulness of CBD oil to protect heart tissue from ischemic reperfusion injury. This ‘injury’ is caused by reentry of blood into an area which was previously deprived. The renewal of circulation causes significant damage due to oxidation and inflammation. This type of injury is quite common among stroke patients. An animal study from 2007 discovered that CBD provided considerable cardiovascular protections, reducing the damaged tissue size by 66 percent in the CBD treated ratss.


Studies Show How CBD Oil Being Used To Reduce Blood Pressure

Beyond the treatment of patients suffering from stroke and diabetes, CBD oil may also be able to provide daily protection from high blood pressure. Studies have shown that the endocannabinoid system is in large part responsible for the regulation of hypertension. This is a novel area of high blood pressure research. Cannabidiol has been known to regulate the activity of the endocannabinoid anandamide, which has been linked to the mediation of hypertension and other vasodilator activities.

What much of the current cardiovascular research has in common, is that it mainly explores the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities of CBD. These are perhaps two of the most thoroughly explored areas of CBD research. In many cases, even outside of heart health, CBD is well known for its ability to reduce oxidative stress and target inflammation. If CBD is known for nothing else, it is known for its anti-inflammatory capabilities.

While the majority of CBD research remains within the confines of the laboratory, the preliminary evidence overwhelmingly supports CBD as a safe treatment alternative. Especially do the prevalence of heart disease, it’s important for all possible therapeutic options to be on the table. The more we discover about CBD, the more potential it demonstrates in the fight against cardiovascular deterioration.

Research Studies on the effects of CBD oil to treat Heart Disease: