Welcome to the Healers Blend Learning Lab! The information in these pages are designed for both the general consumer, as well as, health and medical practitioners seeking to expand their working knowledge of cannabis and the potential of cannabinoid based therapies. While we work to ensure the information in these pages and resources is accurate and up to date, we do not make any claims as to the veracity or totality of the information contained herein. Research into cannabis as medicine is ongoing and our understanding of its many potential benefits continues to grow everyday. Our hope is that you will find this information beneficial and inspiring in your own search to better understand the potential of this incredible plant to increase overall health, vitality, and well-being. CBD products are not approved by the FDA for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease. We are restricted from making any claims about the efficacy of our specific CBD products to treat or cure any disease or medical conditions. You should always seek the advice of a physician before adding nutritional supplements to your diet. The following information is presented for educational purposes only. Healers Blend provides this information to provide an understanding of the potential applications of cannabidiol. Links to third party websites do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations by Healers Blend and none should be inferred.

Research on CBD Oil for Mood Disorders

Research on CBD oil for Mood Disorders continues within research labs around the globe, though a substantial amount of progress has already been made. For millennia, the Cannabis sativa plant has been used as a treatment for numerous physiological and psychiatric conditions. Currently, most studies in the psychiatric field are focused on distinguishing the potentially therapeutic chemical components contained in the plant for use in treating different mood, and central nervous system conditions.

Of particular interest among these chemicals is cannabidiol (CBD). This a non-psychoactive compound that is found in the plant. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which has psychotropic effects, CBD, on the contrary, antagonizes these effects.

It is this characteristic together with CBD’s  safety profile that triggered more investigations into CBD’s pharmacological properties. Now, it is clear that CBD possesses therapeutic potential in treating a wide range of psychiatric and non-psychiatric mood disorders. These include anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, schizophrenia, and psychosis.

What are Mood Disorders?

According to the FDA, mood disorders are elevated temperaments, which include hypomania or mania, depressed mood and major depression. Some mood disorders cycle between mania and depression and are called bipolar disorder. Patients diagnosed with these conditions often show unpredictable mood swings that cycle between despair and euphoria.

These extreme moods may impact a person’s quality of life by interfering with their routine activities and may end up in dangerous or impulsive behaviors. Even worse, most of these patients suffer from suicidal thoughts.

Mood disorders normally begin during the adolescent period and may last a lifetime. They are controlled using therapeutic remedies such as mood stabilizers, antidepressants, psychotherapy and antipsychotics. However, due to the inefficiency and adverse side effects caused by most of these drugs, scientists are actively looking for better alternatives.

The Endocannabinoid system and the treatment of mood disorders using CBD Oil

We all have a neuroactive lipid signaling system in the brain and throughout the body called the endocannabinoid system which controls the release and transmission of neurons. This system consists of endogenous ligands, enzymatic machinery and specific metabotropic receptors that have proven to have a critical influence on the body’s emotional balance (homeostasis) and response to stress. Data from animal models show that this system plays a major role in the development of the brain and is thought to control emotional states from the earliest stages of development.

In addition, a growing body of evidence explicitly indicate that low levels of endocannabinoid signaling in the brain may result into both anti-depressive and anxiolytic behavioral responses. Together, both preclinical and clinical data agree that cannabinoid receptor signaling holds great potential for developing a novel class agent for treating mood and anxiety disorders.

The Science Behind CBD Oil and Mood Disorders

Even though CBD oil’s therapeutic effects have been investigated widely in different biological systems , the mechanisms responsible for its numerous therapeutic effects is still unknown. Nonetheless, it seems to involve multiple pharmacological targets.

According to one study, the authors concluded that acute anxiolytic and anti-depressant-like properties seem to rely majorly on facilitation of 5-HT1A-mediated neurotransmission in critical brain regions such as the medial prefrontal cortex and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.

Other effects caused by CBD oil such as increased extinction, anti-compulsive behavior and facilitation of neurogenesis of the adult hippocampus could be as a result of anandamide-mediated neurotransmission. Lastly, scientists believe that CBD activates TRPV1 channels which gives the compound its antipsychotic effectsand a bell-shaped dose-response curve on a graph.

Considering its high safety profile and therapeutic potential, scientists are actively seeking to figure out the involvement of other possible mechanisms that could explain CBD’s behavioral effects. These include: inhibition of adenosine uptake, inverse agonism at CB2 receptor, PPARγ receptors agonism, CB1 receptor antagonism, GPR55 antagonism, intracellular increase of calcium ions, etc.

Despite offering a myriad of therapeutic effects, CBD also reduces unwanted side effects caused by antipsychotic medication. For instance, in a recent study conducted in Italy, the researchers concluded that CBD has a potential to mitigate the symptoms caused by schizophrenia more effectively than some over-the-counter medication. Furthermore, those under CBD and antipsychotic medication reported a decrease in side effects. Another study showed that CBD can alleviate the side effects of a specific drug called haloperidol.

Are there any side effects of using CBD Oil for Mood Disorders?

The side effects of using crude CBD extracts to treat different types of mood disorders is not very well documented. However, from some of the clinical and preclinical studies, subjects have complained of various side effects which include:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Increased appetite
  • Decreased appetite
  • Issues with memory
  • Sleepiness


As suggested by these studies, CBD is a non-psychotropic phytocannabinoid derived from the Cannabis plant which demonstrates numerous therapeutic effects over a broad range of mood disorders. It reduces brain damage related to ischemic and neurodegenerative conditions, not to mention positive effects in alleviating psychotic and depressive-like tendencies. Even though the mechanisms of these effects still remain somewhat of a mystery, scientists and pharmaceutical companies are hopeful they will soon be able to pin-point the exact constituents needed to formulate the necessary medications.

Research Studies on the effects of CBD Oil to treat Mood Disorders: